Adult Confirmation November 2, 2024: Now is the time to prepare!

Do you attend Mass and receive Holy Communion regularly but were never confirmed?  Bishop Jaime Soto is extending the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to Baptized Adult Catholics of the Diocese of Sacramento on Saturday, November 2, 2024.

If you would like to receive Confirmation but have not received First Holy Communion please download the RCIA ADULT INQUIRY FORM and submit it at the Parish Office. This is a separate process.

What must I do to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on November 2, 2024?

* Contact the Parish where you were Baptized to obtain a copy of your Baptismal Certificate.  It must be issued within the past 6 months, including front and the reverse side, with any notations.

* Obtain a Holy Communion Certificate. It does not need to be newly issued. The Church where you received your First Holy Communion can issue a replacement certificate in the event that the original is misplaced.

* Be either unmarried or in a marriage recognized as valid by the Catholic Church. Please contact Fr. Eric if you are in a civil marriage.

* Choose a Confirmation sponsor.  Sponsors must be confirmed, practicing Catholics in good standing, at least 16 years of age, of either sex. Parents may not be the sponsors for their children; grandparents and other relatives, however, may be sponsors. 

* Candidates are encouraged to choose (take the name of) a saint for confirmation.  

* Download the ADULT CONFIRMATION APPLICATION FORM by clicking the button below.

* Print the completed form. 

* Take the completed form, and the Baptismal and Holy Communion Certificates to the Parish Office.  There may be a processing fee.
Fr. Eric will review the Certificates and sign the Adult Confirmation Form.

* Please ask the Office to make a clear copy of your certificates and attach them to the signed Adult Confirmation Form.

* The approved form and photocopies will be given to the Adult Confirmation Coordinator and you will be contacted soon. 

* There will be six 90-120 minute group meetings to attend in preparation for Confirmation.  These meetings will take place during September.  The times and dates of these group meetings will be planned to accommodate as many people as possible however there is no guarantee that everyone will be accommodated. 

* If you live outside the Diocese of Sacramento, request a letter of permission from the Bishop of the Diocese in which you live.