Catholic Faith Formation
Adult Confirmation
Ministry members help prepare adults who are baptized in the Church, and have received Holy Communion, to receive the Sacramento of Confirmation after a period of instruction.
Bible Study (Adult Faith Formation)
This is a bible study community of faithful who come together to learn and share the scriptures and their faith through various programs from multiple sources.
Catholic Faith Formation Children (CFF)
Ministry members help children develop a basic knowledge and growing love for Jesus Christ and His church.
Children’s Liturgy
A Ministry to assist pre-school children during Mass to learn from Sunday Readings and grow in faith. Catechists are needed in this Ministry; children and their parents need to sign up.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
This Ministry offers a Montessori based approach for teaching children aged 3 to 6 years old how to build deep, life-long relationships with Christ and His Church.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
This Ministry is designed to help adults who want to become Catholic or learn more about the Catholic faith. We need catechists and sponsors who are willing to help people to become Catholics.