Liturgical Celebrations
Altar Servers
We assist our priests in the celebration of Mass.
Altar Society
We care for the sacred linens and priest vestments.
Liturgical Environment
We create an inviting environment by arranging flowers and decorating the church in harmony with the liturgical seasons and feast days.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
We assist priests and deacons in distributing holy communion during Mass, preparing items for the Eucharist before Mass and properly cleaning them after Mass.
We proclaim the Word of the Lord with clarity and conviction in order to inspire the assembly to discipleship.
We assist the priest celebrant by assuring everything is ready before Mass, including all Ministers required to serve at that particular Mass. We also make sure that every item, equipment and book is properly in place.
Music Ministry & Choir
We are musicians and singers, and use our talent to bring music to our liturgies and praise God through song.
Usher Ministry
We welcome parishioners, assist them during the Mass, collect offertory and present the gifts from the faithful.