Living the Faith Ministries
Angels of Mercy Ministry
We answer God’s call to serve the poor and needy of our community by collecting and distributing food, clothing and other assistance. Please note that you must be 18 years of age to participate.
At the Foot of the Cross
We extend, spiritually, the Lord’s infinite love and compassion to those who are in grave need, lack support and suffer issues such as aging, loneliness, physical ailments and/or chronic or terminal illness.
Consolation & Bereavement Ministry
We comfort those who mourn the loss of a loved one with immediate support following a death; assist Pastor during the funeral Mass, and offer ongoing support to the bereaved.
Divine Sweets Baking Ministry
We are an outreach of love through the gift of baking. Delicious home baked goods are created and provided to support our parish events, fundraising and other ministerial activities.
Homebound Ministry
We bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are sick and unable to attend Mass and in need of our parish priest for anointing of the sick.
Marriage & Family Life Ministry
This Ministry is dedicated to assisting couples, in conjunction with the Pastor, who are preparing for Catholic marriage, including sacramental convalidation of civil marriages. Programs are also provided for marriage enrichment and family life education. We need married couples who are willing to help in preparing couples for marriage, nurturing people during marriage and promoting / helping the celebration of marriage.
Respect Life Ministry
We promote and increase awareness of basic human rights by respecting the God-given gift of life from conception to natural end of life.
Vocations Ministry
We assist our Diocese in promoting Vocations to Priesthood and Consecrated Life. Our Ministry involves prayers, organizing the Vocation Awareness Week and communicating the Diocesan programs to our Parish. We need people who want to promote vocations.
Walk for Life Ministry
We coordinate the annual San Francisco Walk for Life by providing information, arranging the bus trip and providing necessary information for participants.
Welcome Weekend Experience
Welcome (Christ Renews His Parish), a Dynamic Catholic Program, is a weekend experience at the Parish that helps individuals discover what’s missing in their life and what to do about it. Welcome weekends are offered at the parish twice a year, separately for men and for women. All men and women, 18 years of age and older, are invited.
Youth Ministry
This Ministry offers several opportunities for our young men and women including, but not limited to:
Divine Mercy Daughters of the King – For girls between the ages of 10 – 18 who want to serve Christ’s church, His clergy, the parishioners and our community and
Divine Mercy Columbian Squires – The Divine Mercy Squires is a youth ministry group for young men between the ages of 10 – 18, designed to foster leadership skills and service to Christ and His church.