Our Parish Staff Who works at the Parish Office? Pastor Fr. Eric was appointed Pastor of Divine Mercy on July 1, 2020Fr. Eric Florespastor@divinemercynatomas.com Deacon Deacon Rick has been granted a Leave of Absence by the Diocese as of Aug. 31, 2022Deacon Rick Moralesdeacon@divinemercynatomas.com Deacon Deacon James was ordained a Deacon on June 28, 2014 and was assigned to Divine MercyDeacon James Ogbonnadeaconjames@divinemercynatomas.com Director of Religious Education Sr. Rose is our new Director of Religious Education as of Dec. 1, 2024Sr. Rose Magolenocff@divinemercynatomas.com Office Administrator Julie started as a volunteer in 2006, then became the Secretary and is now the Office AdministratorJulie Aninzoparish@divinemercynatomas.com Bulletin Administrator Mayet has been our Capital Campaign Administrator and has recently taken on the task of preparing the weekly bulletinMayet Reinacampaign@divinemercynatomas.com Bookkeeper Gwen is our Parish Bookkeeper Gwen Carlosbookkeeper@divinemercynatomas.com